Hibernate のバックアップの現在との差分(No.15)



  --fixed auto-close/auto-flush during getCurrentSession() processing
  --fixed ClassCastException with EntityMode.DOM4J
  --fixed HQL dynamic instantiation with iterate()
  --fixed HQL bug with missing parantheses and implicit joins
  --fixed bug were Interceptor.getEntity() wasn't called if in cache
  --fixed bug in merge() of sorted sets
  --fixed bug in EntityMode.DOM4J with non-lazy embedded many-to-ones
  --fixed Criteria/Projection ordering bug
  --fixed HQL referencing component attribute
  --fixed column duplication detection for components
  --fixed eager fetching for many-to-many associations
  --fixed stack overflow with auto_close_session and aggressive_release and unclosed ScrollableResults/HibernateIterator
  --fixed bug in HQL parser regarding naked property refs which reference component properties
  --fixed bug with eager fetched arrays not being loaded
  --fixed bug in filter against joined-subclass
  --improved CacheMode.GET/IGNORE, disabled cache put
  --improved HQL support for standard SQL functions, including coalesce() and nullif()
  --improved filtering of many-to-many associations
  --added HQL support for cast(x as type) if SQL database supports it
  --added increment id generation for union-subclass
  --added ConnectionProvider.supportsAggressiveRelease() for managed environments
  --added support for caching of queries if filter is enabled
  --added PreparedStatement count to Statistics
  --added transactional/nontransactional read()/get() to Cache API
  --added quotation of schema names
  --added Distinct to Projection API
  --added config parameter 'connection.aggressive_release'

  --added HQL tuple constructor/comparison feature
  --added HQL "fetch all properties" override if instrumentation is used for lazy loading
  --added HQL projection feature, return Lists instead of arrays for projection
  --added HQL projection feature, return Maps with user-defined HQL SELECT aliases as keys
  --added HQL support for expressions in aggregation functions
  --added new IntegrityViolationException to MySQL dialect
  --added value mapping type 'big_integer'
  --added not-found="ignore|exception" switch for legacy associations (i.e. broken database integrity)
  --added fully automatic Session scoping in JTA environments with sf.getCurrentSession()
  --fixed bug in DTD that wouldn't allow union-subclass in separate file
  --fixed a MS SQL Server case sensitivity issue with native SQL queries
  --fixed a minor bug in subselect fetching
  --fixed case sensitivity in HQL functions
  --fixed a bug with listener assignment for save() operation (Matthew Inger)
  --fixed return-property in named SQL queries to work with all identifier names
  --fixed TransactionManager lookup (again) for WAS 6.0
  --fixed a bug with HQL batch delete and MS SQL Server
  --fixed session not getting closed with auto_close when rollback occured
  --improved concatentation handling in AST parser
  --updated dom4j to avoid memory leak in old version
  --updated C3P0

  --fixed a bad bug in saveOrUpdateCopy() that caused NonUniqueObjectExceptions
  --fixed problems with long types in Oracle DDL generation
  --fixed a memory management problem when deleting collections
  --schema export now uses hibernate.default_schema (Michael Gloegl)
  --fixed broken query cache invalidation from 2.1.7
  --fixed a problem with schema update on some databases
  --support MySQL rlike operator in HQL
  --fixed a minor problem with Hibernate Clobs and Blobs
  --added support for WebSphere's weird TxManagerLookup
  --Add LockAcquisitionErrorCodes to MySQL dialect (Jesse Barnum, Emmanuel Bernard)


  DB2,FrontBase,HSQLDB,informix,interbase,MS SQL server,MySQL, Oracle,Pointbase,PostgreSQL,Sybase etc.


  -[[Working with Hibernate in Eclipse:]]


   package test;
   import java.util.List;
   import java.util.Properties;
   import net.sf.hibernate.Hibernate;
   import net.sf.hibernate.HibernateException;
   import net.sf.hibernate.Session;
   import net.sf.hibernate.Transaction;
   import net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Configuration;
   import net.sf.hibernate.expression.Expression;
   public class SampleMain {
       public static void main(String[] args) {
           Configuration cfg = null;
           Session session = null;
           Transaction transaction = null;
           Properties props = new Properties();
           try {
               cfg = new Configuration().addClass(Person.class).addProperties(props);
               session = cfg.buildSessionFactory().openSession();
               transaction = session.beginTransaction();
               Person person = new Person();


               Long id = (Long);

               Person load = (Person) session.load(Person.class, id);


               List list2 =
               List list = session.find("from Person where id=?", id, Hibernate.LONG);

               List list2 =
                   session.createCriteria(Person.class).add(Expression.eq("id", id)).list();


               list = session.find("from Person");

           } catch (Exception e) {
               try {
                   if (transaction != null)
               } catch (Exception e1) {
           } finally {
               try {
                   if (session != null && session.isOpen())
               } catch (HibernateException e1) {

   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 2.0//EN"
     <class name="test.Person" table="PERSON">
       <id name="id" column="ID" type="long">
         <generator class="native"/>
       <property name="name" column="NAME" type="string" length="20" not-null="true"/>

   Person load = (Person) session.load(Person.class, id, LockMode.UPGRADE);
   List list2 = session.createCriteria(Person.class)
                       .add(Expression.eq("id", id))
  #amazonkey2(JAVA DB)

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