JasperReports のバックアップの現在との差分(No.9)



  --the package name hierarchy has changed throughout the entire library. The now obsolete root package called "dori.jasper" was replaced by "net.sf.jasperreports" for standardization reasons;
  --new net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRenderable interface supported in the image expression to improve the quality of charts and other SVG images. The patch, initially proposed by Adrian Jackson, David Taylor and Lars Kristensen, was incorporated in the main version;
  --added support for batch export through the use of the new exporter parameter JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT_LIST, which accepts a list containing JasperPrint objects (contribution by Jason Essington);
  --new XPath based XML data source implementation provided. The "xmldatasource" sample shows how the can be used in combination with subreports (contribution by Peter Severin);

  --support for RTF and HTML snippets inside text elements using new "markup" attribute that deprecates the former isStyledText attribute;

  --new boolean "isStyledText" attribute available for text elements to allow introducing style information inside the text content using XML syntax based on nested <style> tags;
  --new dori.jasper.engine.fill.JRIncrementer interface and refactoring of the report variable calculation engine to correct problems and allow performing custom calculations on custom type variables;
  --new file naming convention; the XML report design files now use the *.jrxml file extension instead of the former, more generic *.xml extension to allow better integration with build tools and IDEs;
  --new "renderType" chart attribute and configuration property, to support rendering charts as images or as SVG, besides the direct drawing performed by the JFreeChart components;
  --new FileResolver interface and built-in parameter for better control over resource loading;

  --new "rotation" attribute for text elements to allow vertically heading text;
  --"stretchType" attribute now available for all types of elements;
  --support for custom name-value pair properties inside the report design;
  --enhanced exporters (progress monitor, etc);
  --minor bug fixes and improvements;







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